There are a couple of websites that I reviewed to see if they are beneficial to me.
This website is great if you would like to find where you up coming events and presentations are located and their times. There are also online courses that are offered. This is all about the Universal Design for Learning.
This website is a great resource for gathering information about UDL Checkpoints. Each Checkpoint is on this website and it gives a list of resources and examples. If you are struggling on how you could incorporate any points from the Checkpoints, this website is the one that will guide you ways to help the students in your classroom.
This website goes into detail about the Universal Design for Learning. It states the definition, who benefits, the principals, implementation, and common teaching methods. I feel the examples that they have in the implementation section are great ways to incorporate the UDL strategies into your everyday teaching.
This was a great way to introduce the websites on your page! I like the small informational captions under each site. I personally liked the UDL Center Guidelines website because it was easy to read and full of resources and examples for the classroom.